Monday, October 10, 2011

Too Late To Be a Marathon-ista

I have spent many miles training for a half marathon that happens this Sunday.

Many Miles. Many Miles.  Many Miles.

I’ve battled my fitness goals, conquered my bad knee fears, and fought the dying of the 39th light.  I will prove it on Sunday.  And I will look good doing it!

Having been around the block a few times (see 40th birthday reference above), I know a few things.  First and foremost, the exact right outfit on the first day of school is the difference between Prom with a hot, hunky senior and Homecoming Dance with a pack of like-dateless girls.  There is no second chance at your first wrist corsage, ladies! 

There are serious race day wardrobe and accessory issues that have yet to be addressed.  I refuse to cross that finish line looking anything but smoking hot, lily fresh, and fully hydrated.

When the training schedule allows 3 days of rest before the big day, this time should be spent at Dick’s Sport, the Nike Outlet, and paying overnight shipping fees to

Wednesday is Day of Rest #1. 

In preparation, I started my strategic shopping list about an hour ago.  I went online with firm conviction that looking good was going to cost some serious dough.  I needed advice on the fabrics and color hues to become a true Half Marathon-ista.  

Care to guess the most common advice I read? 

Nothing New.  Nothing New.  Nothing New.

All this training with the goal of a perfect time and a perfect outfit?  And now you tell me I am TOO LATE for something cute and new? 

I can hardly wait to see my Finish Line Picture.  A white tank with armpit stains should nicely compliment the baseball cap of which my dog chewed on the rim and the socks with mismatched cuffs.  I assume the “Nothing New” theory does not apply to the knotted shoelace I have been meaning to change for three weeks?  Oh hell, it probably does.

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